10 Perfect Ideas for Your Wedding Send Off

The wedding reception should end with a bang, not a fizzle. After you’ve spent the day and night dancing away, eating delicious food and visiting with all of your favorite people, it’s time to take the event outside. iStockPhoto / Neustockimages We’re talking about the wedding send off! In addition to a classic “Just Married” sign […]

The wedding reception should end with a bang, not a fizzle. After you’ve spent the day and night dancing away, eating delicious food and visiting with all of your favorite people, it’s time to take the event outside.

Wedding Send Off Ideas

iStockPhoto / Neustockimages

We’re talking about the wedding send off! In addition to a classic “Just Married” sign on the back of the car or limo (try these chalkboard pennants for a fun sign idea), there’s also the task of saying goodbye. In the past, guests would throw rice at the couple. Guess what? There are other fun ideas for a quality send off.

1. Bird Seed

Have you heard the urban legend that rice can kill the birds who eat it? That rumor has been going around for years and the rice-alternative of choice for a wedding send off has been bird seed. While that rumor turned out to be a myth, you can still throw this bird-friendly seed. Nothing wrong with making the local birds happy!

2. Nighttime Bubbles

A send off that requires no clean-up? Bubbles! Give a bottle of bubbles to every guest and have them blow like crazy as you leave the wedding reception. Bubbles can be difficult to see in the daytime so, with a little creative back lighting, they’re perfect for a nighttime send off.

3. Glow Sticks

Looking for a seriously cool photo-op? Hand out glow sticks or glow necklaces. As you pass by your guests on the way to the limo, they can wave them around for colorful, glowing photos. If the wedding photographer uses a slow shutter speed, you’ll even end up with a cool light painting effect.

4. Floating Lanterns

Floating lanterns are a mellow send off for a romantic night. Hand out the lanterns and matches to guests and have everyone light them at the same time, sending your wishes and love off into the night sky.

Wedding Send Off: Floating Lanterns

Beyond the Darkroom Photography

5. Party Poppers

Take the “out with a bang” quote literally and hand out party poppers to all your guests. You’ll be covered in confetti by the time you make it to the limo.

6. Snow

Winter weddings have a beautiful, built-in send off: Snow! This is especially great if there was a fresh, fluffy snowfall on the day of the wedding. Who knows, it may even turn into a hilarious snowball fight.

7. Glitter

You’re a fabulous couple. You might as well go out in style. Fill buckets with glitter and sequins and leave them by the door so guests can take them by the handful. You can even get colors of glitter and sequins that match the shades you chose for your signature wedding colors.

8. Flower Petals

Confetti and glitter create quite an epic mess. If you’re worried about the environmental impact of your send off, go for fresh flower petals instead. They’ll make for a great picture!

9. Tambourines

Guests don’t have to throw things at you to make it a good wedding send off. Instead, hand out tambourines at the end of the reception for a musical ending. You can even make them yourself with fabric, bells and cross stitch hoops.

Wedding Send Off: Tambourines

XO Azuree Photography

10. With a Song

Maybe you’re friends with great singers or you’re a karaoke-loving crowd. Ask them to sing you a song as you leave the reception, like Pharrell Williams’ “Happy.”