At Your Bridal Shower, Enjoy Dessert Without The Calories!

Doesn’t that eclair look marvelous!? What I wouldn’t give to enjoy one of those tasty treats without worrying about it going directly to my hips. Like so many of you, I have to watch what I eat, and these little beauties are definitely off my menu. Well, if you’re in the same boat as me […]


Doesn’t that eclair look marvelous!? What I wouldn’t give to enjoy one of those tasty treats without worrying about it going directly to my hips. Like so many of you, I have to watch what I eat, and these little beauties are definitely off my menu. Well, if you’re in the same boat as me or you’re just looking for something different to serve at your bridal shower, you’ll enjoy the new desserts from My Wedding Favors because they’re calorie free!

No, I’m talking about the latest fad diet food with those preposterous claims you hear about on late night television, like “Loose weight without exercising!” or “Drop five dress sizes in a month!” Unbelievable, right? But this one isn’t. At your next bridal shower (or other event), enjoy these deliciously different “desserts.” Not just for diabetics or the weight-conscious, these treats are to be enjoyed by all. Made of towels, these desserts won’t add a single pound because they are incredibly inedible but still a delight to the senses. Looking at these new favors is like sneaking a peak through the baker’s window! Can’t you just smell the aroma of a great gift in the air?

A Tasty Treat, Indeed!

pie-towel.jpgstrawberry-shortcake-towel.jpgOne glimpse of this decadent strawberry shortcake favor will have your mouth watering! What a clever way to present a useful washcloth. And look, it even has a “strawberry” on top for the perfect finishing touch. Equally delicious-looking is the slice of pie favor. If lemon’s not your favorite, you can choose chocolate brown or strawberry pink. Either way, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to discover that they’ve been deceived by a dessert! Both favors are handmade and wrapped with all the special touches that make them look so realistic.

Super Size Your Dessert!

If you like your desserts big, you’d probably want to go with the chocolate cake favor. It’s made with a thick and thirsty hand towel that measures a whopping 13″ x 13″. Cleverly gift wrapped, it makes a great hostess gift. It’s available in vanilla, too!

Just think of these fabulous faux desserts as our way of looking out for your waistline! But if all of this talk of desserts has you wishing for the real thing, try one of our personalized chocolates or cookies. Because they’re bite size, I’m sure there are only a few calories in there. What the heck! Go ahead and enjoy…You’re getting married for goodness sake!


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