Forty Weddings in 40 hours for $40 each—for Charity!

They’re calling it the biggest wedding in the nation. It’s definitely going to be one of the longest. To me, it’s just a fabulous idea! The 40-40-40 for Children is happening in Atlanta, GA November 14-15, and all advance proceeds will benefit the Atlanta Children’s Shelter. This unusual event, the brainchild of Sylvia Wayfer-Clark of […]


They’re calling it the biggest wedding in the nation. It’s definitely going to be one of the longest. To me, it’s just a fabulous idea! The 40-40-40 for Children is happening in Atlanta, GA November 14-15, and all advance proceeds will benefit the Atlanta Children’s Shelter.

This unusual event, the brainchild of Sylvia Wayfer-Clark of Weddings by Stephanie Marie in Atlanta, will take place over a 40-hour period. For only $40.00/bride and $40.00/groom, couples get a full wedding ceremony with bridal party and invited guests, followed by a complete reception with 1st dance, cake cutting, bouquet toss, etc. Those of you putting off your wedding because you can’t afford it–here’s your chance!

For some of the couples, this will mean their wedding ceremony will be held at 2 or 3AM, but that just adds to excitement and uniqueness. I think it’s a great idea, and I raise my champagne glass in celebration of Sylvia Wayfer-Clark and all the couples who participate in this wonderful event. Just think of what you’re doing for the children—and just think of what you’re getting in return!

Here’s Sylvia with all the information:

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