Going in a Wedding Gown–The REAL Reason You Need Bridesmaids!

Okay! I’m in a weird mood today. I admit it. I felt like exploring one of the realities of your wedding day. If you clicked your way over here, you must have wondered the same thing. Or you’re just a pervert. Either way, if you haven’t already watched the video above, please do so. Now you know why bridesmaids […]


Okay! I’m in a weird mood today. I admit it. I felt like exploring one of the realities of your wedding day. If you clicked your way over here, you must have wondered the same thing. Or you’re just a pervert. Either way, if you haven’t already watched the video above, please do so.

Now you know why bridesmaids are essential members of the wedding party. Give them very special bridesmaids gifts.

And as for you, I like your sense of style–and your sense of humor! I’ve picked out a couple of things from MyWeddingFavors.com that you’ll probably want for your wedding–and ironically, are not wedding favors. On the left is a gorgeous gift-card holder for the gift table at your wedding reception. The silver-metal, classically designed holder keeps cards from getting lost or mislaid. And on the right, in keeping with today’s topic, I couldn’t pass up the Bride and Groom Toilet Paper. Talk about an essential for the rehearsal dinner or reception. When your guests first see it, they’ll laugh. Then they’ll feel just a bit creeped out. It’s so worth it!


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