My Wedding Favors Is Still In Favor Of A Cure!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While those who are affected by the disease are not far from our thoughts, we are reminded of the strong, courageous and sometimes silent women who fight this disease every day. Whether they are on the path to victory or have succumb prior to, these women and their families […]


pink-ribbon-frame.jpgOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While those who are affected by the disease are not far from our thoughts, we are reminded of the strong, courageous and sometimes silent women who fight this disease every day. Whether they are on the path to victory or have succumbed prior to, these women and their families deserve our continued support. That’s why Kate Aspen’s In Favor of a Cure Pink Ribbon Collection of favors is so important to us at My Wedding Favors.

If you’ve been touched by the effects of breast cancer (whether in yourself, a relative or friend,) these favors are a beautiful way for you to share your story and help raise funds for two worthy organizations that focus on women and breast cancer.

Kate Aspen, a premier manufacturer of unique wedding favors and gifts, is donating 10% of the net proceeds to the Young Survival Coalition and the Making Memories Foundation. The Young Survival Coalition is dedicated to the concerns and issues that are unique to young women and breast cancer and is primarily made up of young women in their 20’s and 30’s who are surviving the disease. They serve as a point of contact for young women living with breast cancer, providing vital information and resources. The Making Memories Foundation is a phenomenal organization that grants wishes and brings joy into the lives of women (and men) who are losing their battle to breast cancer while continuing to support, educate and increase resource awareness.

It’s wonderful when the simple act of purchasing a favor can make a difference. Whether you consider including them as bridal shower favors as a tribute to a relative or friend or to raise awareness for such a worthy cause, there are two even more important steps you should make to prevent breast cancer:

  1. Have annual mammograms (once you turn 40, earlier if there is a family history of breast cancer)
  2. Perform a self-breast exam monthly

pink-ribbon-boxes.jpgpink-ribbon-seeds.jpgSince my mother is a five-year survivor of breast cancer, I know first hand the importance of these steps. Although her regular mammogram did not detect a lump, her self exam did. That’s why it is so important to do both. Thankfully, the lump was discovered in the early stages, and it was successfully removed. Do yourself a favor and take this opportunity during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to begin a regular examination of your breasts. Early detection IS the best defense in treating breast cancer.


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