Q. How Do Same-Sex Wedding Favors Differ From Hetero Favors?

A. They don’t. The answer shouldn’t come as any surprise to you. The operative word is “same.” For the most part, same-sex weddings are just the same as heterosexual weddings. They can be wildly creative or traditional. Wedding styles depend on the personalities of the couples, not their sexual orientation. Sure, the top of the […]


A. They don’t.

The answer shouldn’t come as any surprise to you. The operative word is “same.” For the most part, same-sex weddings are just the same as heterosexual weddings. They can be wildly creative or traditional. Wedding styles depend on the personalities of the couples, not their sexual orientation.

Sure, the top of the cake may have two men or two women instead of one of each, but that’s about it. I actually did an Internet search to see if anyone was making wedding favors specifically for same-sex weddings, and all I found were personalized mint tins with gay-themed labels. Even gayrites.net–a Web site dedicated to same-sex weddings–provides mainstream listings for wedding favor sites.

So whether you’re gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual or transgendered–let’s go shopping for wedding favors!

lustrousleafstopper.jpgfallfavorbox.jpg What’s hot for fall weddings this year? Kate Aspen recently launched a couple of dynamite autumn-themed favors. The “Lustrous Leaf” Bottle Stopper (left) with its copper finish is one of the more incredible bottle stopper designs I’ve seen lately, as is her “Autumn Elegance” Laser-Cut Fall Leaf Favor Box (right,) which comes in either apple red or chocolate accents.

margaritacandle.jpgmartini.jpg Whether your wedding style is traditional or laid back, there’s a good chance alcohol will be involved–other than champagne. These two “beverage”-themed gel candle wedding favors fit perfectly, not only at the reception but at the rehearsal dinner, too! The tiki-hut packaging brings a tropical touch to the Margarita Glass Gel Candle (left,) and the martini glass gel candle says “Cocktails, Anyone?” loud and clear!

Speaking of alcohol, if you need some tips about what and how much alcohol to buy for your event, here’s an article that will connect you to the “spirits.” Then raise your glasses and celebrate LOVE!


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