Six Great Reasons to Use Silk Flowers for Your Wedding Centerpieces

Yes, I know. It’s a tough decision. There’s something inherently provocative about real flowers–the fragrance, the natural beauty, the vibrant colors. Not long ago, silk and other artificial flowers didn’t hold a candle to the real thing, so the choice was a simple one. But time and technology have changed the silk flower industry, which is […]


Yes, I know. It’s a tough decision. There’s something inherently provocative about real flowers–the fragrance, the natural beauty, the vibrant colors.

Not long ago, silk and other artificial flowers didn’t hold a candle to the real thing, so the choice was a simple one. But time and technology have changed the silk flower industry, which is producing gorgeous reproductions of almost every flower imaginable, like the red rose topiary at the left.

Just like you, I love real flowers, but I recently came across seven really good, practical reasons to choose silk flowers for your. Whether you prefer silk flowers or the real thing, the base you choose is just as important a decision. You’ll need to coordinate the base with the flowers. If you like very tall stems, you’ll need a stylish vase, like the “Altitude and Ambience” White Cylindrical Glass Vase (left,) which come in 22″ and 32″ heights. Or you may like the idea of a topiary, which comes complete with base and flowers. The “Think Pink” Rose Topiary (right) is absolutely lovely. You’ll be amazed at how many wedding centerpiece options–for both real and silk flowers–you’ll find at Of course, candle centerpieces are also a personal favorite of mine. But I’ll save that for another post. Have fun this week!



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