Surprising Way Brides Look Thinner On Their Wedding Day!

Well, I have to say that I am surprised and appropriately appalled that some women would do this, but here goes…After reading about a recent study done by Slim Fast, the trendy way to look slimmer on your wedding day is to (drum roll, please) have bridesmaids that are fatter than you! Ouch! It sounds […]


Well, I have to say that I am surprised and appropriately appalled that some women would do this, but here goes…After reading about a recent study done by Slim Fast, the trendy way to look slimmer on your wedding day is to (drum roll, please) have bridesmaids that are fatter than you!

Ouch! It sounds terrible doesn’t it, but according to the study one in three engaged British women admitted that they would ask an overweight friend to be a bridesmaid simply to make themselves look slimmer in comparison, the Daily Telegraph reports. When did size become a part of the selection criteria over love, support, friendship and all the things that I thought went into choosing a bridesmaid? When you realize that, according to the study, two in five brides claimed that they felt insecure when standing next to slim wedding guests, it makes you wonder if brides have their priorities straight. Such vanity! Such insecurity! On a day when all eyes are on the bride for the right reasons (it’s her special day and she’s marrying the man of her dreams), it’s a shame that all she can think about is whether her bridesmaids make her look fat. Hasn’t it dawned on her that she’s surrounded by family and friends who love her no matter how she thinks she looks?

Brides aren’t the only ones!

It also seems that the guests are obsessed about their weight on wedding day, as well. Nearly 50 percent diet before the big day, according to the paper, to make sure they look “good”…and they aren’t even in the wedding party!

If you ask me, all of this is just taking the whole “force the bridesmaids to wear ugly dresses so I look better” thing too far. I just wonder if this is true for U.S. women also? Would you really choose a bridesmaid simply because of her size? If you did or know someone who did, please comment about it.

A Healthy Obsession

With all of this obsession about weight, it’s no wonder that more brides are choosing non-fattening, no-calorie, practical wedding favors for their big day. No weight worries will ensue from giving guests an elegant Fleur de Lis bottle opener or scented soaps (now there’s a gift that anyone can use!) There are all sorts of wedding favor ideas that don’t infringe on the waistline. But, does this mean that if the brides gives a sweet treat, she’s trying to fatten you up before the pictures?!


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