The Honeymoon Can Wait…Really?!

I don’t know about you, but as a single woman anticipating my wedding day (and night!), I’ve always felt like I’d be ready to get away to some romantic place with my new hubby right after the wedding. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a few quiet days lounging with the one you love? […]


I don’t know about you, but as a single woman anticipating my wedding day (and night!), I’ve always felt like I’d be ready to get away to some romantic place with my new hubby right after the wedding. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a few quiet days lounging with the one you love?

A transition into married life, honeymoons allow couples to spend time with each other and simply chill out after all the wedding planning. According to Tim and Brenda, “Self-imposed seclusion really helps solidify your bond. A great honeymoon is a simple place you can return to whenever you want. It’s not an exotic trip that took as much planning as your wedding.” I couldn’t agree more.

Why wait?!

But after reading about a new trend to wait on the honeymoon, it’s made me think again. They make good points about keeping the excitement going, not having time off work, lack of funds, accepting the reality of married life, spending time with family and friends and having time to get things settled. I guess when you think about it, there are some good reasons for waiting. Here’s what some of the brides and grooms have to say:

DM Kelly writes, “I took my honeymoon six months after my wedding. I’m glad I had the days after my wedding to open gifts, sort out legalities, give out bridesmaid gifts and get my life organized. It would have ruined my honeymoon for me knowing that I had 150 thank-yous to write when I got home. Planning my wedding was exciting for me and having something to look forward to [a few months] afterward kept me from feeling let down that it was all over.”

Another bride adds, “I don’t know if I totally agree with my Mom, but she always said marriages should start realistically: going to work, cooking dinner, doing laundry, paying the bills, etc. Marriages aren’t about lounging on the beach for a week – they’re about the daily mundane tasks that make your home and lives together function. Heading out on a vacation immediately after your wedding, in her words, “sets you up for disappointment.” Honeymoons should come later when you need a break from the daily grind.”

Kirk T says, “I think you should wait a few days and spend time with the people that made it all possible or friends that came in from out of town and may still be around. Imagine a guest flying in that hasn’t seen you in a while and you rush out of town.”

A military bride says, “In the past, it was more common to head right off on your honeymoon the next morning. However, today it is becoming more and more common to do the honeymoon at a later date because of time off from work (like me and my fiance! he’s military so we don’t know when we can honeymoon yet) or budget constraints, or hurricane season. There are tons of reasons to wait on the honeymoon.”

Gillian adds, “We left the next morning. I am oddly superstitious though. I have had 3 cousins who either did not take a honeymoon or did not go right away (waited over a week) and they’re the only ones in my huge extended family who ended up divorced. Is it a strange coincidence or me just thinking too much? You be the judge, but I would go on your honeymoon right afterward!”

How about you? Would you want to wait or head for the hills right after the wedding? Let me know what you think.

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