Three Strikes And You’re…Married?!

Getting married at a baseball field might seem like an unlikely place for a wedding, but for Jennifer Moran and Michael Blair it’s perfect! During Labor Day Weekend, their family and friends will head to Wrigley Field to root for the “home team.” Scoring A Home Run When they both were perplexed about where to […]


Getting married at a baseball field might seem like an unlikely place for a wedding, but for Jennifer Moran and Michael Blair it’s perfect! During Labor Day Weekend, their family and friends will head to Wrigley Field to root for the “home team.”

Scoring A Home Run

When they both were perplexed about where to hold the nuptials (not being particularly girlie or belonging to a church), the only thing they knew was that it needed to be unique. They were considering a local park, when the bride’s Mom suggested a different kind of park–a baseball park! Since they were both such huge Chicago Cubs fans, that idea hit a home run with them.

Baseball Theme Hits It Out Of The Park!

With a clever setting like a baseball park, they quickly discovered that there are so many ways to carry the theme throughout the day. “Everybody gets there at 1, and we’ll do the wedding at 1:20, just like a Cubs home game,” Michael said. “Instead of the ‘Wedding March,’ we’ll use the theme from ‘The Natural.’ There’s about a minute and 40 seconds as she walks in. My goal is that the door swings open right at the climactic moment when the lights start exploding in the movie.”

What about their wedding favors? Baseballs, of course! Each guest will receive an official Major League Baseball personalized with “Moran-Blair wedding. Sept. 5, 2009.” Although the concession stands won’t be open, guests will still enjoy hot dogs, Italian beef, corn on the cob and ice cream sundaes served in mini Cubs batting helmets. They’ve also arranged for the ring bearer to wear a Cubs jersey with the words “Batboy” on the back. (Hey, Jennifer and Michael, if it’s not too late, you can thank them with one of these personalized baseball bats.)

Yes, they’ve got baseball fever alright! I’m sure it’s gonna be great.

While the ballpark might not be your ideal wedding location, it’s a great example of how to turn your passion into a passionate place to get married!


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