Top 10 New Wedding Trends

Mr. Christopher reporting in with some cool new wedding traditions. As people look to find a way to hold their wedding and make it as memorable as possible, there are some strange trends out there. Some are not that shocking, but they definitely stray from the typical standard ritualistic pathways from the days of yore. […]


Mr. Christopher reporting in with some cool new wedding traditions. As people look to find a way to hold their wedding and make it as memorable as possible, there are some strange trends out there. Some are not that shocking, but they definitely stray from the typical standard ritualistic pathways from the days of yore.

  1. Take On Your Name? No Thanks.
    More and more women are refusing to take on the last name of their new hubbies. While you may think this is a slim trend, have a seat. According to a poll taken by the fine folks over at The Knot, a whopping 12% of brides are not planning to take on their spouses last name. Not considering to do this, but it’s a decision that’s already been made. 12%. 15% of those polled said they plan on blending their last names, i.e. Jane Smith Johnson.
  2. To Each Her Own
    Apparently, the days of buying the same gift for all of the bridesmaids is so yesterday. While the market has some incredibly unique wedding favors out there, a lot of brides are considering buying bridesmaid gifts that are actually purchased specifically for each persons personality just like you would purchase any type of birthday gift for that person.
  3. Man of Honor?
    Platonic relationships are so prevalent among younger generations now, that it’s becoming increasingly popular to have Men of Honor instead of a Maids of Honor and even Best Woman instead of Best Man. That of course goes without saying that there are female groomswomen and male bridesmen.
  4. No Gifts, Just Give
    There are many situations for couples who may be getting married for the 2nd time, 3rd time or have maybe even been living with the fiancé beforehand. The new trend is the couples suggesting that their friends and family give to their favorite charities instead of buying the typical blenders, pots and pans and other housewares that typically come with the territory.
  5. Skydiving on the Registry
    Another trend is the wedding registry containing gifts that are a bit out of the norm. Not just items such as the above mentioned charity giving, but even things like tents, skydiving lessons, surfing lessons and other strange items are becoming more and more customary and acceptable.
  6. Smile, Smile, Smile
    The trend of placing disposable wedding cameras on the tables is a great way to have moments captured, but as The Wedding Net points out, mark them with times, i.e. – “Reception 8-9pm”. That way there’s not multiple photos processed of the same things like the cake cutting, father/daughter dance, etc.
  7. Hey Bud, Can You Marry Us?
    A mind boggling 59% of couples said they would consider being marred by their friends or family members instead of having the standard officiants. The only catch to this trend is the legality of the ceremony if the friend is not ordained in some way. A big part of officiant if the official part. But regardless, the trend is getting big quick.
  8. I Do…Again
    It’s becoming more popular to renew your vows and not only popular, but expected on the big ones like 10th, 25th, etc. So be prepared to do it again because it’s a trend that is becoming more anticipated as part of the “package deal”.
  9. Green Weddings
    More and more people are doing more and more to help protect the environment and doing whatever they can to make sure that their wedding isn’t a culprit. From Eco-friendly wedding favor bags, plantable wildflower wedding favors, to recycled wedding items, green weddings are a BIG trend.
  10. White is For Canvasses
    The biggest new trend is migrating away from your typical white weddings and adding tons of color to the palette. All red, all blue, all green, etc is becoming a big trend. Not only are the decorations choreographed to add color, but the guests are even asked to wear certain colors, wrap presents in colored papers, and on and on.

These trends are only a sampling of what’s out there and occurring. As couples try to be more original, these ideas are great, but are certainly just the tip of the iceberg. Just be sure to visit My Wedding Favors for more tips on great gift ideas and don’t miss the article section with tons of articles on eco-weddings, gift guides and much more.

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