Want to Get Him in the Marrying Mood? Watch a Movie!

Want him to pop the question? Getting ready for the big day? Not only can wedding movies and romantic comedies be a wonderful way to spend snuggle time together–they work on the subconscious to “affect the mind, fire the imagination and cause viewers to relate to events on screen.” In author Colin McGinn’s new book, […]


Want him to pop the question? Getting ready for the big day? Not only can wedding movies and romantic comedies be a wonderful way to spend snuggle time together–they work on the subconscious to “affect the mind, fire the imagination and cause viewers to relate to events on screen.” In author Colin McGinn’s new book, The Power of Movies, he says that movies are like dreams–synthetic reality, wish fulfillment and propaganda “sharing the attribute of being able to seduce our minds.” Besides putting your ideas into his head, wedding movies can give you some wonderful ideas for your own wedding–themes, wedding gowns, locations, decor and so much more!

There are dozens of wonderful wedding-related movies ready to light a fire, create desire, show decor you’ll admire, and simply inspire. Are they “chick flicks?” Well, yes. Usually no one gets gunned down, blown up or wins the big game. But if your goal is to light a romantic fire, Alien Vs. Predator doesn’t stand a chance. You want something that shows two people finding each other, falling in love, getting married and living the dream.

It’s easy to find movies in several categories that have just what you need–romantic comedies, love dramas, engagement movies, wedding movies and newlywed movies. Just click on https://astore.amazon.com/wedding-movies-20 for a trousseau-full of heartwarming movies you’ll want to keep on a shelf and pull out on occasion to watch together and stir the passion!

Let’s take the first movie on the left, for example. “Somewhere in Time” is a beautifully produced, utterly romantic period film. The movie’s title, the early 1900s setting and the vintage clothing would make a spectacular theme for your wedding. Wouldn’t a copy of the movie make a very special and unique wedding favor for your guests? And there are so many more wonderful wedding favors that can fit the period. There’s a lovely spring watering can filled with delicious lemon cookies or “Forever” Frosted-Glass Photo Coasters that come in a vintage gift box. Movies are filled with romance, ideas and inspiration. Create the right mood, and he’s yours forever!


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