Wedding Centerpiece Sets Make Decorating As Easy As 123

Whether you’re short on time or ideas, these new centerpiece sets can make your decorating job a whole lot easier. We’ve pulled some of our best selling wedding centerpieces together with all the decorative enhancements and packaged them in wonderful centerpiece sets, like the silver centerpiece set on the right that is perfect for black-and-white […]


Whether you’re short on time or ideas, these new centerpiece sets can make your decorating job a whole lot easier. We’ve pulled some of our best selling wedding centerpieces together with all the decorative enhancements and packaged them in wonderful centerpiece sets, like the silver centerpiece set on the right that is perfect for black-and-white weddings or 25th wedding anniversaries. All you have to do is pick and theme, and you’re on your way to creating a beautiful table.

Here’s why brides love them!

  • Assembles in minutes. These beautiful floral and candle centerpieces are designed by professionals and assembled by you in just a few minutes. So you can spend your time on other important details.
  • Choose from several themes. From beach centerpieces to ones that are perfect for garden weddings, there’s sure to be a theme or style that suits your personality–whether it’s conservative or contemporary.
  • Everything you need is included in the set. From the wedding centerpiece to the elegant enhancements like candles and beads, you won’t miss a thing.
  • Helps keep you within your budget. If you know that you only can spend a certain amount per table, choose the all-inclusive set that fits your budget and keep your finances on track.
  • Shop by the table with no guesswork. Buying all the components together means you don’t have to wonder what the finished presentation of the entire table will look like.
  • It’s the end that’s also the beginning. While each set completely decorates a table that is beautiful as is, it’s really only the beginning. You can also enhance them with other unique wedding favors and accents that really make your table stand out.
  • Last minute additions are no problem! If you guest list suddenly increases and you have to add more tables, decorate them with the click of a button and order as many additional sets as you need. Don’t make your guests feel like an add-on or oversight by keeping the decorations uniform throughout all the tables.
  • They make great gifts! Whether you want to appreciate your bridesmaids, groomsmen, parents or special guests, giving the centerpiece sets away allows them to create the same look at home and remember your thoughtfulness each time they use it.

Since there are 10 wedding centerpiece sets to choose from, you’re sure to find exactly what you need at My Wedding Favors!


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