Are you hosting a bridal party soon? Other than catering, decorations are a MUST-DO at all bridal events! The Geometric Floral Bridal Shower Kit by Kate Aspen is a bachelorette kit that takes care of all your simple decorating needs! It's easy to assemble and consists of three simple yet FUN-TASTIC decoration pieces. You can take this bridal party kit with you if you're traveling and hosting a fun bachelorette party, bridal brunch or shower for your friend; it is small and compact enough to fit in a carry-on. You could also buy it to decorate a larger event in a bigger venue. You could compliment the party décor by adding florals or floral colored pieces throughout your venue. Perhaps our favorite part about this bridal party décor is how easy and quick it is to put up. During all the preparations, it's nice to have décor pieces that look AMAZING but are simple to utilize. You'll have more than enough to-do items on your list. Enjoy this bachelorette kit!