Do Yourself a Wedding Favor! Don’t Be Superstitious!

One of the most important wedding favors is the one you do for yourself! If you’re a superstitious woman who’s about to be married, here are some important wedding superstitions you need to know about: Marry on Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday best of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday for […]


One of the most important wedding favors is the one you do for yourself! reddress.jpgIf you’re a superstitious woman who’s about to be married, here are some important wedding superstitions you need to know about:

  • Marry on Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday best of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday for no luck at all. (If you’ve scheduled your wedding for a Saturday, better cancel and find an open Wednesday evening. You shouldn’t have a problem getting the country club…any ol’ country club you want.)
  • If you marry in May, “you’ll surely rue the day.” If in October you marry, love will come and riches will tarry.” (I don’t have to cover the other 12 months to make my point.)
  • Better wear white, even if you’ve had your heart set on another color. “Married in red, you will wish yourself dead. Married in green, ashamed to be seen.” (Needless to say, other colors have superstitions attached, too.)
  • If the groom drops the ring before the ceremony, the marriage is doomed.
  • Only marry on a bright, sunny day without clouds in the way. The clouds symbolize trouble. (I’ve also heard people tell a bride on her rainy wedding day that rain on your wedding day is a good omen. Apparently, selective superstition works every time.)
  • And here’s one of my favorites–The spouse who goes to sleep first on the wedding night will be the first to die.

I have this feeling that there are some very superstitious brides out there who stay up all night after the wedding, and it’s not necessarily because the groom is a sexual powerhouse. And if the groom gets wind of that superstition, there could be some couples who haven’t slept in years.

As far as I’m concerned, either you’re superstitious or you’re not. If you are superstitious, then you should hold every superstition as valid. Clearly, if you choose to believe some superstitions and discard others, you’re invalidating all superstitions.

The “something old, something new” thing for good luck is more of a sweet tradition than a superstition. Freaking out if your groom sees you in your wedding gown before the wedding is ludicrous. If a marriage fails, do you really believe it’s because the groom saw the bride in her gown before the wedding? If you do, you may as well plan to marry on a Wednesday.

gardengelcandlerosem.jpgEven the rose petals thrown by the flower girl before the bride marches down the aisle is another lovely tradition born of superstition. Supposedly, the rose petals ward off evil spirits that live beneath the ground from coming up at her. (I’d like to hear from any just-married brides who decided against rose petals. Did you have any strange, dirty, uninvited guests at your reception?)

Good omens include seeing a rainbow, having the sun shine, meeting a black cat (ironic, huh?) and meeting a chimney sweep (when’s the last time you met one of those?) Bad omens include seeing an open grave and seeing a pig, hare or lizard running across the road (bad news for country girls.) Oh, and if you meet a monk or nun, you’re going to be barren.

Again, you can’t pick and choose. It’s fine to wear something borrowed, blue, etc. and have rose petals strewn, but don’t take any of it seriously. Seriously. What’s the prediction if you wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue, and then your “butterfingers” bridegroom drops the ring just before he slips it on your finger? Which superstition wins? I’ve mentioned only a few of the many marriage superstitions floating around out there, and every one of them arose centuries ago in times of ignorance. Then again, you are what you believe. If you truly believe your marriage will be doomed if Butterfingers bounces the ring on the alter, there’s a very good chance you’ll subconsciously do whatever it takes to doom the marriage just to validate your belief. Do you see where I’m going with this? I surely hope so.

hearty-beginnings.jpgThe only thing you should believe in on your elegant wedding day is the love in your hearts, commitment and the future. I’m sure you’ve chosen the perfect wedding favor for your guests. Laughing at wedding superstitions is an important wedding favor you do for yourself!

 Love Conquers All–Especially Superstition!


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