Women Leave Husbands and Children Behind

As part of a very unusual experiment called “The Week The Women Went”, the women of a small Canadian town called Hardisty near Alberta decided to simply pick up and leave their husbands and children alone by themselves for a week. The husbands had to manage everything from the meals, housework, cleaning up, getting the […]


As part of a very unusual experiment called “The Week The Women Went”, the women of a small Canadian town called Hardisty near Alberta decided to simply pick up and leave their husbands and children alone by themselves for a week. The husbands had to manage everything from the meals, housework, cleaning up, getting the kids to and fro, putting them to bed and the entire enchilada.For most reading this, your response may be “So what. I do that every day.” And that’s exactly what the study was set to find out. In Canada, over 70% of the households are run by women and most of which also had full time jobs. The study, which was caught on film, was going to find out if, A) the men could handle such a daunting task and B) if there would be an increased appreciation for what the women must do every day that they feel is being taken for granted.

One of the women named Kelly Weatherly stated “It will be a disaster, a complete disaster.” Others such as Heather Mills stated, “I don’t even know if he’s had them for a whole day.” Miller’s husband simply replied, “Two people to take care of, both under the age of five, how hard can it be?” And then there was the negative side of the coin where viewers like Andrew were annoyed by the mere premise of the show stating, “What a misandric (man hating) idea for show. What is wrong with Canadian society that we need to continuously promote how important women are to society at the expense of men?”

Not to spoil the outcome, but to the women’s chagrin, the result wasn’t what they hoped. The men faired very well with only minor speed bumps. One of the participants, the town Administrator and father of three named Tony Kulbisky stated, “It wasn’t that much of an ordeal. We just pre-planned everything, or tried to be as organized as we could be.”

There was a silver lining though as one man who refused to marry his girlfriend of 10 years even after the couple had 3 children together decided to plan a surprise wedding as a result of the time apart. The study will be aired on TV on a yet to be named network and viewers will need to tune in to see how the wedding went along with the antics of “The Week The Women Went” because it wasn’t all smooth. There are some very hilarious and entertaining moments that will be sure to have women and men alike murmuring, “He did not just do that.”

Meanwhile, we at My Wedding Favors will be here to celebrate all weddings from fairy tale to elegant to themed events. So husbands to be, show your respect for your lovely lady and tell her about My Wedding Favors to help do your part in planning your big day.

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